I thought I should write it down, because I doubt I'll ever hear this quote again in law school from a professor:
"I'll be quite honest, you can get a very decent mark in this class without doing any of the reading."Speaking of Criminal Law and professionalism in the field, there's sad news that one of my favorite TV lawyers won't be returning this season. (Not Sam Waterston, that man's a rock.) Barry Zuckerkorn (played by the Fonz) from Arrested Development (season premiere next Monday!) is no more, as Winkler is moving onto another sitcom that should have a much easier time getting cancelled. So who better to replace him than Scott "Chachi" Baio, who'll play Bob Loblaw. Love it already.
And here's some random music stuff because nothing else of note has occurred in this second week of law school, (though bless the saint who returned my lost copy of the International Law course package, you must be new here.)
Wilco - or should I call them Thrillco! Ok, I'll never, ever, do that again - are releasing a double live album from some shows in Chicago. It's too bad there aren't more covers on it, but I can attest to the fact that their live shows are amazing and... Thrillco!
Rollingstone put up an extended piece about Death Cab enjoying their "indie " status, meaning the honeymoon is officially over. Does that make them "mainie?"
And finally, NME, Britain's rock rag has finally redesigned their website. It's not as ugly as sin anymore, but it's still guaranteed that every article is a "shock!" and every review is "brilliant!"
nice law blog ..better than the other 3 i havew seen this year
yeah - i wasn't really looking forward to tax either - i just put that there in case some firm googles me... i think i'm screwed - economics was one of my worst courses.
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