Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Cheeks will be missed

Quelle semaine! My first Law Revue is over, and it was fantastic. During three days of rehearsal, I probably spent a good thirty plus hours in a sweltering theatre. I still hate Cats, but I do have a deeper respect for the work put into theatre productions. I worked with some great people, upper years at the law school who I would have otherwise never talked with.

The best news is that the whole production was a huge success. We had record attendance and the crowd had a great time. Maybe that's not so tough when you pump them full of beer, but still, writing funny material is not an exact science. Thankfully, the sketches I wrote went over really well. I was particularly proud of the Weekend Update skit, where my friend Katie and I were co-anchors. As tragic as it sounds, you can get a helluva lot of laughs from a squirrel's suicide note.

Certainly one of the best parts of this whole law school experience, and I can't wait to do it next year.

Last Friday was also great, as I got to go to my first art exhibition opening. I had no idea what to expect, but having seen Closer the week before, I pictured twenty or so wine glass-clutching eclectic types waxing artistic over blurry photographs or off-colour paintings. Strangely, things weren't that far off. I've got to hand it to Vancouver, an art opening on a Friday night draws enough of a crowd to snake a lineup around an entire city block.

Inside the art museum things were incredibly swanky. Wine glasses, European dance music, and Narduar of Muchmusic fame, satisfying the eclectic personality requirement for the evening. I would have liked to talk to him, and congratulate him for outing the band Jet as AC/DC melody thiefs, but he was busy.

Anyway, reading week is just a few days away, when I can finally sit down and.... read. Nutty world indeed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey don'tyou mean iggy pop melody theifs, or maybe phil collins?
