Thursday, September 28, 2006

Athens, you're on notice

In law school, I find that the first day of October tends to be scarier than the hallowed last. You begin to realize that these term papers don't write themselves, and even if they could, I would hardly trust a sentient pen to understand all the complexities of provincial regulations, no matter how impressive the penmanship.

So I'm starting to "think about" (future meaning: "bill for") these three essays I have to write this term. For EU law, I'm having a bit of trouble deciding on a topic, just as I can never decide which European country I like the best. (It's not Greece though, I got scammed there.) In Land Use I'm aiming for an earth-shattering paper, meaning I'll be writing about earthquakes and their "impact" on BC law (it's best that I exhaust these puns now, trust me). Also, that way, in the aftermath of any such event, doubters of the Big One will come across this B- paper and remark, "we were warned about this litigation!" (But I seriously hope I get a better mark.)

For Appellate Advocacy, it's a factum instead of a paper, and we have a choice between two sets of facts: The first, a criminal appeal involving a guy hiding under a car... or an immigration dispute featuing more exotic facts like the nation of El Salvador and gang members. I'm going with the latter factum, and I can tell you what's quickly becoming my favourite Central American country.

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